Posted by: senjmito | October 21, 2011

Have Your Say On Greater Wellington’s Basin Reserve Flyover Stance

Wellington City Council has come out against the NZTA’s Basin Reserve flyover plans – but the Economic Committee of Greater Wellington (aka the Wellington Regional Council) voted to support the flyover.

Now you can let the full Wellington Regional Council know what you think of that decision. The full Council will be considering the issue on Tuesday 1 November at 9.30am, and there’s a chance for public participation at the start of the meeting, which takes place at 142 Wakefield St, Wellington.

If you want to voice your opposition, the best option is to ask to speak. Ring Greater Wellington on 04 384 5708 the day before the meeting and say you’d like to speak, and then turn up on the day. If you can turn up, but don’t want to speak, come along anyway, as your presence will be felt.

And if you can’t make it on the day, you can still help! Before 1
November, send an email calling for Greater Wellington to oppose the flyover to Councillor Paul Bruce, Paul.Bruce (at), and he will table the emails he receives at the meeting.

The Wellington City Council’s opposition to the flyover has already made NZTA’s life more difficult. Let’s cause them some more embarrassment!


  1. Two tunnels is a good idea as long as it involves good bike and walking routes.
    However, instead of building any flyover, WCC, WRC and NZTA need to be more proactive in encouraging biking, walking and better public transport, through both carrot and stick methods.
    For instance congestion charges, less parking in CBD, no cars with less than 3 people into CBD before 9.30am (excepting couriers, delivery, disabled etc).
    Less road side parking and instead have really good social marketing campaigns, as well as good safe bike lanes.
    Many cities large and small across the world have used such strategies; Copenhagen, Zurich, Adelaide, Washington, London and as a result have significantly reduced congestion, and increased the numbers using public transport, cycling etc.
    Surely it makes sense to employ these strategies, which would be cheaper and have better health outcomes, than spending millions on a fly over of any type, or an under pass.
    Less congestion would result in public transport being faster and more reliable, so more people would use it. Cycling would be safer and research shows that safety is a major reason more people don’t bike to work, school etc.
    We need some visionary, long term leadership.

  2. I also support the construction of the second tunnel. BUT ONLY for the use of the light rail system (one line each way) and for the new walking and cycling paths.

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